To Contact the Undergraduate Financial Aid and Penn First Plus Development:
Mailing Address:
2929 Walnut Street, Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Frequently Asked Questions
Named Scholarships are established by donors to provide undergraduate financial aid funding to Penn students. These scholarships help the University to offer grant-based financial aid to students. Most Named Scholarships are endowed and are awarded to students in perpetuity. Term scholarships may also be established. All scholarships are need-based and are part of a student’s financial aid package.
Gifts may be made in cash, as well as in other forms such as securities, real estate, and personal property. Pledges may be paid over five years.
Future commitments in the form of annuities, bequests, trusts, and retirement plan contributions can also be made.
To learn more, visit giving.upenn.edu/gift-planning/giving-options.
Scholarship gifts are tax-deductible for U.S. and Canadian taxpayers. Additionally, taxpayers in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and some other European countries may be able to make tax-efficient (or “tax-advantaged”) scholarship gifts.
Visit www.giving.upenn.edu/igifts for more information about these options.
Pledge payments can be made by visiting the Penn Giving website and searching for your scholarship name.
The classes at Penn are great, but the full Penn experience outside of the classroom is so much more important. Named Scholarships have given me the opportunity to dive into it and take everything in for my four years here.