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Senior Reflections

Lydia, W’22

What does Penn mean to you?

To me, Penn means growth. Over the past four years, I have been challenged academically, mentally, and emotionally. Those challenges have taught me much about myself and the world around me; I am better and stronger for them. At the same time, I have been blessed with amazing relationships, great experiences, and memories that will last me a lifetime. Those blessings have contributed just as much to my growth by making me a happier, more whole, and more grateful individual. I am not the same person I was four years ago, and it’s all thanks to my experience at Penn.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is Pottruck, the main gym. I love working out and would go there around five times a week. It’s a great facility, has the nicest staff, and was a great avenue for me to decompress. If I wasn’t in class or at home, you would probably find me there!

What’s one of your proudest moments of the past four years?  

One of my proudest moments was reaching out for mental health help when I knew I needed it. Reaching out for help is never easy, but it was the best decision I’ve made in my life.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

After graduation, I will be working in California as a Software Engineer at Slack!


Jemarc, W’22Jemarc Head Shot

What does Penn mean to you?

To me, Penn represents the opportunity to truly explore your interests. Coming in as a freshman, I immediately knew that I wouldn’t only be studying in Wharton but also supplementing that education with courses for my minors outside of Wharton.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is the grassy area in between the high rises. It is perfect when the weather is nice and it is warm out. A great spot to sit and laugh with friends and even sleep.

What’s one of your proudest moments of the past four years?  

My proudest moment of the past four years was winning the Ivy Bowl with the Penn Rugby team.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

I plan to work in New York City as an investment banking analyst at Bank of America as part of the Mergers and Acquisitions Group.


Rebecca, C’22

What does Penn mean to you?

To me, Penn represents endless opportunities. As a transfer student, I was not sure what to expect. In my three years here, however, I have made some of my best friends, experienced seminars in which the focus was on learning and not grades, connected with professors, enjoyed the typical college campus feel that College Green provides, explored all over Philadelphia, and mentored younger students in the local community. I am grateful for all the experiences I have had, and I look forward to sharing them with future students for years to come.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is High Rise Field. When the weather is warm, everyone goes outside to play frisbee and spikeball, picnic with friends, eat delicious snacks, and walk their dogs. I love running into friends on Locust Walk and reconnecting, as well as seeing students from different classes and undergraduate schools interact!

What’s one of your proudest moments of the past four years?  

One of my proudest moments was my research supervisor emailing me to deliver the news that my first-author paper was accepted to a journal. I never imagined publishing as an undergrad, and certainly not as the first author, but she provided incredible support to attain this achievement.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

In September, I will move to Switzerland to conduct research at the University of Geneva as part of the Fulbright US Student Program. I will work with Prof. Arnaud Didierlaurent to study the effect of previous acute infection on COVID-19 vaccine response quality.


Dante, W’22

What does Penn mean to you?

Penn is a space of intellectual innovation and entrepreneurship. I am amazed every day by the work that we are willing to do to make sure that Penn is a vibrant community.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

I spend a lot of time in the first-floor study lounge of Harnwell. I find carpeted spaces to be really zen-inducing, and it’s quiet.

What’s one of your proudest moments of the past four years?  

I really enjoyed applying the skills that I learned at Penn to contexts outside of school, so I would definitely say my summer internship after junior year. I realized very quickly that the workmanship required at Penn made me well prepared to excel wherever I go. Most importantly, I tried to retain the same curiosity instilled in me at Penn in my new position.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

After graduation, I will be a Product Development Intern for Estée Lauder’s Presidential Associate Program.


Carlos, W’22

What does Penn mean to you?

Penn is a place that provides endless opportunity no matter what discipline you’re in. When I first got to Penn, President Gutmann told us that here we would have everything we needed to succeed at our fingertips; we just need to go out and find it. After four years of being here, I can confidently say that this is true; whether it’s world-class faculty or alumni, don’t be afraid to ask because they’ll all help as much as they can.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is Huntsman Hall. Huntsman has everything you need regardless of activity.

What’s one of your proudest moments of the past four years?

The proudest moment of the past four years was the day I got my full-time job offer on December 1, 2021, four years to the day after I found out I would be attending Penn. To me, it’s indicative of what’s possible here; Penn gave me the skills and drive to navigate the complex and arduous process. I felt it was fitting that two life-changing moments happened exactly four years apart.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

After graduation, I will be working at an investment firm in New York as an investment analyst. I’m excited to start working in the industry and challenge myself to keep doing the best I can every day. I’m extremely grateful for all the opportunities and experiences that I had here at Penn that made this possible.