Head Shot of Joseph

Joseph, W'24

  • Major Finance and Business Analytics
  • Hometown Hamilton, New Zealand

Having always been fascinated by business and markets, studying finance and business analytics at Penn was an easy decision for Joseph. Due to the pandemic, Joseph spent his first year learning remotely from halfway across the world in New Zealand. Now on campus, Joseph can engage as a project leader for Social Impact Consulting Group and Co-President of the Wharton Undergraduate Giving Society on a deeper level. Being in the close-knit international student community has not only helped him to adjust to life in the United States but is also how Joseph has met some of his closest friends. Named Scholarships have enabled Joseph to learn in world renowned facilities from some of the best professors in the world, realizing his dream of attending one of the globe’s best business schools.

"Without the kindness of our donors, I would never have been afforded the opportunity to come here from my small town and meet incredible, diverse people."