As the need for undergraduate financial aid has grown steadily, so too has Penn’s commitment to increasing access for students, regardless of their means. An affordable education is more than a priority for Penn: it is an imperative that reflects the University’s core values. But this ongoing commitment to grant-based aid does not come without a cost: Penn’s financial aid budget has grown by more than 150 percent in the past decade.
A Named Scholarship established today creates life-changing opportunities for future generations of Penn students on campus and beyond. The portion of the aid budget covered by Penn’s endowment has increased, thanks to philanthropic support, from 4.5 percent in the 1990s to 26% today. Even with those gains, however, nearly 75% of the financial aid program still comes from Penn’s operating budget, placing ongoing strain on the University’s resources. Penn’s goal is to continue to expand designated support for undergraduate financial aid, so a larger portion of the program can be sustained by a permanent source of funding.
Philanthropy is the foundation upon which Penn’s commitment to affordable education stands firm. With every gift to the Undergraduate Named Scholarship Program or Penn First Plus, donors affirm their belief in access to education. When students can come to Penn regardless of their ability to pay, we all benefit. When these scholars graduate, their impacts ripple throughout their communities, making real-time improvements across the world.
The opportunities here are endless. You just have to look around, and you’ll find something for you.
Support a Future Leader
Learn more about all of the ways you can support a scholar through the Undergraduate Named Scholarships program.